Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog Analysis

I decided to focus on Autism/Asperger's. 

I found 3 different blogs that I found interesting and read through them. Here are the links and what I thought of them :

Aspie From Maine

Adventures In Aspergers

The design of all three blogs really caught my eye at first sight, which is why I chose them. I normally don't give bland pages a second look. Each of them are set up in their own personal ways and it really gives a glimpse of this particular blogger's life. I chose one from a Father, a Mother, and someone living with Autism. This gave me a variety of views to read from. 

From the father's point of view, it's very personal, close and touching all while realizing that Autism isn't horrible, unless you make it. He has some bad days mixed in with his mostly good days, just like everyone else in the world. He is sarcastic, humorous and child-like (which is probably why it's enjoyable for me to read and for him to be with his son, Jayden). While reading Aspie From Maine I see into her life of dealing with having Asperger's at such a late age. She uses it more like a diary to the world while the others are advice givers and seekers. The mother uses the blog more like a story/novel of her life with her son with Autism. These are all written with their own crafts which makes them all interesting depending on what you enjoy reading. 

If I had to choose one of these to read everyday it would be the Father's point of view, Adventures In Asperger's because it is the most inviting and most like how I like to believe I would act in these situations with that child. He uses as many visuals as he possibly can while also keeping his child calm and I love that! 

I don't like the smallness of the text in Aspie from Maine and I don't enjoy no use of pictures in either of their blogs. I love that in Adventures of Asperger's he uses as many pictures as he can, as he is a photographer. 

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