Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chapter 4: Multimodality

In Chapter 4, Jones and Hafner explain multimodality and its forms on the web. I found some interesting things when considering what websites use multimodality to their advantage.

Wikipedia: A very textbook-style website where text is rampant and images are only there to provide examples or scenery of the topic. There is also audio from time to time. Simple, yet effective.

Youtube: Purely audial and visual. Text is there for description and commenting, both of which are limited.

Reddit: Another text-dominant site where in comments and stories, users can get lost in walls of words and is very conversation-based. A lot of reflection on other semiotic modes is done in the comment section. However, style of text can be manipulated to reflect tone of voice.

Facebook/Twitter: A very social gateway to multimodality. Driven by status updates and photo-sharing, these social outlets are about as passive as multimodality can get.

Blogger: A solid combination of text and audial/visual accompany. Blogger is what I consider an ideal form of multimodality.

What I found about the uses of multimodality is that it isn't exactly the whole package of text, audio, visual, and input every time. Certain sites flourish in making their sites very strict and to the point, while others just present the content right in your face.

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