Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Remixes, Mashups, and Creative Commons

This site offers humorous examples of remixes and mashups.

Here, you can read about Creative Commons, and here you can search for Creative Commons licensed material.

And this site will tell you more about how to use Creative Commons and attribute to the creators of content that you use.


Chapter 3: Tagging

Possibly the most intriguing part of chapter 3 of Understanding Digital Literacies is how information is filed. Tagging is a topic that strikes me as very misconstruing at times. On Youtube videos, website links, and other kinds of sourcing, tagging can easily be abused to reach out to more people for the sake of being noticed.

Several times throughout my Youtube browsing experience, I have experienced this abuse of tagging. Users will most likely include tags that have nothing to do with the video so the video can be found through a number of different searches. What most videos with this abuse of tagging have done is flood the tag section with every possible related popular search. For example, a video of a highlight play of Lebron James could have every basketball affiliated name in the tag section, creating a very confusing search result when one would search for a video of a highlight of another player or team. This abuse is responsible for the widespread popularity of certain videos. Some videos have substantially less substance to them and just spam tags to become popular. A clear sign of this happening is negativity in response.

The nature of tagging is an abusive system, and is often overlooked as one normally has to search deeper into the video statistics for tags. Unfortunately, not much can be done about this as tags don't need permission and can be abused very easily.

Useful sites for blog creation

Here are a few sites that may be useful as you create your blog:
  • Learn how to disable some views in blogger's dynamic views. (I don't do a whole lot with code-writing, but these steps really are pretty simple. The site offers suggestions for other simple changes to dynamic views too.)
  • Watch the video we watched in class about dynamic views.  
  • Here is one blogger's experience using and adjusting dynamic codes. I will be honest; because I don't write code, I don't know how to do everything that she has done! But perhaps you will be able to, and we can learn from each other.
  • See which WordPress templates allow you to add a custom header.

CH. 3 reflection

As more and more of our lives become dependent on digital technologies, it is interesting to notice the shift in our learning behaviors. Traditionally, Americans would either read the news in a newspaper or watch the evening news. As televisions became staples in our lives, a shift was already occurring. While TV views and ratings went up, the amount of news programming developed from just one news show- Walter Cronkite on the evening news, to entire channels dedicated to news casting 24-7. During this time, there were plenty of skeptics to say TV was bad, and terrible distraction that children were sucked into which offered little-to-no-good to society. But oh, if these skeptics could just see us now...

Now, digital technologies have replaced the traditional TV set, and then some.

As for television news, it is now generally distrusted by most Americans (along with most other mass media, as well), who now find their news stories online. With the use of the Internet, anything is possible. You can search specific information or browse news stories at your convenience, so who would wants to make time to sit in front of the TV during dinner time? And by reading the news online, you are in direct control of the source, so you can make sure what you're reading is credible.

Reading news online also allows us to become more informed. Hyper-linking is used in most articles, as a way for the author to give the readers control of the direction of the information. In-text links are optional pathways leading from the original article, to other relevant sites that we, as readers, can choose to explore. Following these links is an easy way to become well-rounded on the topic you are interested in. Some argue that these hyper-links are changing the way we learn, and I would agree. Online learning itself has increased the pace in which we read and process information, and hyper-links can be distractions away from the real message. I know personally, I am much less likely to completely read a paragraph if there is a hyper-link in it. Usually I scan the words until I reach the link, then hover over it to learn where the link leads. If I find it interesting I will click it, but not always. Sometimes, just simply hovering over the link gives me enough information to decided if it's interesting to me or not.

Hyper-linking may lead to less-focused reading, but if you aren't interested in the article, you probably weren't too focused in the first place. I think the benefits of links outweigh the negatives, because it allows those truly interested a way to learn more, and become more well-rounded on the subject. For articles that are less-than-gripping, I as an online reader appreciate the links because I use them for skimming and gaining a basic knowledge. I know that reading online may feed my short attention span, but I think the important thing is to realize the downsides and understand how to adapt with the developing technologies.

Chapter 3- Hypertext response

The book has taken on a new form that comes in the shape of a never-ending browser. There are no longer pages that you can flip, smell, or even look to see how much you have left. Instead, you are scrolling, typing, and clicking. You are exploring the internet. A vast world full of information that keeps on loading. Unlike a book, there is no ending to this digital story. It’s your job as a user to continue the story, and you can do this through the use of something as handy as a hyperlink.

After reading or even while reading an article online, hypertexts give the reader a chance to delve even further into the topic of interest. There is no limit in regards to how far your research can expand. As stated in the text, “Unlike the pages of a book, which unfold in a linear sequence, hypertext can be organized in a variety of different ways.” If you find yourself reading an article about staying healthy, soon enough, you may find yourself reading a totally separate article about the effects of alcohol on the body. Stories are now given the infinite possibility to connect. When conducting research by using a book, more often than not, a reader will have to flip through several books in order to obtain all the information they need. Whereas with the internet, hypertext allows for an instantaneous and bountiful collection of information. 

When a book is all said and done, it’s likely that a reader may share their thoughts about it with a friend or family member. Never in their wildest dreams would they imagine that they could directly interact with the author. The internet provides both writers and readers with the opportunity to engage with each other on a completely different level. The reader is given an active role for participation while they are reading. Instead of only taking information in to store in the back of your mind, a reader is allowed to share these thoughts with the author. This kind of interaction allows for writer improvement by gaining feedback from their audience. It’s all about a certain kind of connection that had never been accessible during the digital age.

Intelligence-wise, hypertext may very well be making us stupider. However, it also may be expanding our minds in a completely different way. As a result of new learning and research opportunities, the reader is no longer limited to the traditional practices of a book that ends at page 205. Although much quality information can be obtained in this matter, the internet, and hypertext in particular, is a way of expanding upon that basic research model. Hypertext is molding our minds in a way that has never been done before. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Chapter 3 Matecki

Reading this chapter helped me be more conscious of what and how I link I to any online written pieces.  Now that we’re on to “Web 2.0, from the read-only web to the read-write web” everything is more interactive (42). Instead of the computer only working one way, it’s now an interactive process between the reader and writer.  I guess I never took the time to think about this since it’s always been a part of my life in this aspect.  Since it is so interactive, however, whatever we put on our websites, blogs, articles, etc. will reflect on us a person.  Referring back to the case study on pages 41-42, depending on what we link to we can persuade an audience to feel a certain way or we can give a depiction of our own opinion.

This can be good and bad.  Positively it allows us to link to related resources if our audience wants to read more about something.  This could be other sites or even to our own previous blog posts.  These links could also be a bad thing; if we link to a website whose author doesn’t have any credentials and we’re doing a scholarly-type article, or hyperlink to a blog or site that’s not the respectable, it puts us in a bad light.  Being careful, looking for credentials if we need them or making sure everything on a site is appropriate before we link to it would be a great way to solve any problems before they start.

Going back to being able to interact with each other online, the online community between bloggers –or a blogroll— was something I never noticed.  I’m not an avid blogger and don’t necessary know how to maneuver around on someone’s blog once I find one that interests me.  I’m actually really interested in figuring out how to create an elaborate blog or website and join online community.  Again, it would be important to make sure the blogs in my blogroll are respectable and appropriate, but overall I think it’s a great way to promote other people’s work and your.

Chapter 3. Online thievery

    I am old enough to see the way the internet has changed. Not only is it more user friendly, (curse you Yahoo! chat IM bomb!) it has a great deal more give and take. 
    In the example of writers, in meetings on-line they have a new ability to collaborate. They can now share and refine ideas with one another. That sounds great for a literary analysis because no one really expects to make a living off of it. 
    All this collaboration is great if you are not expecting to get paid. Find an open English chat form and talk to others for advice on that ten page thesis paper about the "History of Toilet Paper". Perhaps they can advise you in a direction you never thought of. You may even experience that warm fuzzy feeling that comes from helping someone from not making that forehead dent in their desk any bigger.
    But...if you want to get paid, don't do it. Uncopyrighted material is ripe for the picking. It is plagiarism in it's worse form. You won't get credit and you won't get paid.
    Some experts believe that the on-line collaboration encourages plagiarism, especially in collages. That may be the case but not for long. Teachers are on the look out for it. If they see it, you're gone.
    Quoting is not plagiarism. You are merely barrowing a part of a work for discussion. Whether or not the author got paid or has a copyright is not your problem. Giving them credit for it is. Learn to live in fear of plagiarism, less you fall victim of it. 
    If you want to be a writer, get ready to be quoted. It won't always be flattering. There are those who will disagree with you or think you're an idiot. If you never want to be quoted, now is your time to shut up and hide in your corner.
    Understand that all ideas are universal. They seem to float around in the cosmos waiting for someone to grab them. Did you know that three people invented the telephone? If you have an awesome idea, share it. Or someone else will. 
     Did you know that those three people invented the telephone at the same time the same time? The difference was the patent. Copyright works the same way. It protects you and your work. Once you have it, no one can take your work from you. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scott Downey
ENG 399-03
Heather McEntarfer
September 3, 2012
                       Forced Obsolescence and the Power of Positive Procrastination
Many of us may have heard some old timer complain that things do not last as long as they used to. Because they don't. Manufacturers engineer products we buy to last only as long as the warranty. The government has little incentive to change the system because it keeps the economy rolling and brings in more tax dollars. If it never broke, you would not have to buy a replacement. They would make less money.
Why is this a problem in Chautauqua County? Chautauqua is ranked 15th out of 62 of the poorest counties in New York.       
Capitalists consider it a good thing even if they will never admit to it. Our economy runs on consumerism. The more people consume, the more companies have to produce. This keeps people working and makes more money.
Planned Obsolescence dates back to The Great Depression. Bernard London thought that by "Instilling the buyer with the desire for something newer, a little better, a little sooner than is necessary" would help rebound the economy.
Even simple light bulbs fail sooner than technology could allow for. Light bulbs lasted 2,500 hours in the 1920's. The Phoebus light bulb cartel forced manufacturers to reduce that time to 1,000 hours to simulate production. It was a big conspiracy theory known as "The Light Bulb Conspiracy".
Planned obsolescence wastes time and resources. Customers waste time by running around upgrading, fixing and replacing items that should last a lifetime. When I was growing up, my mother and my grandparents had the same model RCA television. I was too young to remember when they got the televisions, but both lasted until my twenties.  My last television lasted only ten years.
Environmentalists should also be upset. Consumers waste millions by buying new stuff and the repair trucks moving around. We use un-renewable energy to make new products that should not need replacing. Vast amounts of non-renewable fuel resources are burned while polluting the atmosphere. Our carbon footprint is increased.
The constant need to replace or upgrade makes millions of tons of e-waste.  Many of the parts are not reusable or just not reused and end up in landfills.  The EPA states that 4.6 million tons of e-waste ended up in landfills in 2000. Logic would state that number is higher now. From there, the toxic chemicals in electronics leak out into the environment.
Many resources that are used to make the products we use are not infinite, we will run out. This practice decreases the time we have until we do run out.
I interviewed Gary Dolce from the local Sears store in Fredonia, N.Y. He stated that he was in sales for thirty years. When asked if his customers complained that products do not last as long as they used to and if he thought it affected customer satisfaction, he had this to say: "We get that all the time. (Planned Obsolesce) has a negative impact on customer satisfaction."
I asked him if he thought consumer brand loyalty was affected. He said, "Kenmore is a name related to Sears, is trusted and lasts longer than most brands. We have little problem of customer loyalty."        
There is one way to sometimes beat this system. I call it the "Power of Positive Procrastination". With a little planning and luck, sometimes, just sometimes you and I can win out.
I will use my lawnmower for example. It is a green LT1000 Craftsman and the engine began to knock. (This is a warning of engine failure). The first thing I did was look at new lawn mowers. The Home Depot had a lawn mower that looked almost exactly like mine for $1,299.                     
          I did not want to spend that much so I looked online for a replacement engine. Common sense would dictate that a part would be significantly less than the whole, right?
Wrong. Sears sells an engine for $1043.12. It is another factor in our throw away pay more taxes economy. Why buy an engine when for $250 more you can get a new mower?
Now is where Positive Procrastination comes to play. No way did I want to spend that much money to keep the grass short. So I made sure the engine oil level was good and drove it knocking and smoking. The good news was the smoke kept the mosquitoes at bay.
I searched for a used engine. Places like Freecycle and Craigslist are a good place to look. I eventually came across one on the side of the road for free. It was the same model as my mower and had a numbers matching engine.
In an hour I had the engines changed and my mower lives on. The added bonus is the $1000 or more that I did not pay out. In some cases, searching for a used item or part can make more self economic sense. That, my friends is the Power of Positive Procrastination.              
Would giving away 1.6 billion dollars while getting nothing in return sound stupid to you? What if I said to waste it over a period of three months? That is what Consumer Reports says extended warranties do for the consumers that purchase them. On the money paid for a warranty, the store gets more than half in kickbacks. Extended warranties make them more money for doing nothing, not because they benefit the customer in the long run.
The best defense against forced obsolesces and extended warranties is to do your homework. Find out what products are the highest quality and longest life before you buy. Research what companies still stand behind their products and have warranties. If you purchase a product and are not happy with it, the world will blame you for not looking into it better instead of blaming themselves for making inferior products.


This year is the year.  Your friends have done it for a while now. You’ve seen enough pictures of others’ trophies.  Maybe you even grew up with a member of the family who participates, but you just weren’t ever interested until now.You want to feel the anticipation and the passion that your grandpa talks about in his stories.  You want to understand that feeling of “home” your friend talks about while sitting in a tree stand.  You want to live in that moment of adrenaline, of a make-it-or-break-it shot.
You want to hunt.
So you’ll just go grab a bow or a gun and make your way out into the woods, right?  I mean you know what days hunting season starts; you can just trek on out and join the other hundreds of hunters in the area.  All hunting is, is pointing, aiming, and pulling a trigger.
Darling, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Hunting can be traced back as one of the most primitive activities humans do, going back to our “caveman” years where we hunted animals to simply survive.  Considering you probably aren’t going out into the woods as a means to survive now, a lot has changed since these days including the process of going about it.  Hunting is a love that is learned: a practice of patience, excitement and disappointment.   The woods become a place that holds more heartbreak than a middle school hallway during homecoming week, and more intense feelings than two newlyweds in their honeymoon suite. We’ll get to that part of this experience though.  There are couple things you have to do before you’re actually in the woods aiming at an animal.

1. Get a License
It’s free! Yes, that’s right.  New York State is offering free hunting safety courses for us all to take. It’s illegal to be out in the woods with a firearm/bow or in a tree stand with the intent of even watching the animals, so you might as well get it if it costs nothing but your time.  The lists are divided by what courses you want to take and by what county. These courses are generally only offered in August and September however since the season starts October 1st.  There are a couple courses still offered through October and November, but you’ll already be missing part of the season so it’s best just to get them done earlier.   
Search the sites early in the summer and plan out what day you want to get it done.  Most dates you need to pre-register for which means calling and guaranteeing a seat in the class.  Literally, guaranteeing a seat to sit in.  The course I did was only supposed to have forty students that registered; over forty more showed up who didn’t call in and were actually standing around the room.  
2. Join a Friend
Once you have your license, don’t immediately go out and buy any expensive hunting equipment. Ask a friend or family member who hunts if you can tag along.  The most you’ll have to buy is camouflage, but maybe your buddy will be generous and give you some to wear if it’ll fit you.  
Take this time to learn the tactics of walking out into the woods.  You don’t want to walk over any deer trails.  You don’t want to drag your feet. You don’t want to get to a tree and realize you’re afraid of heights halfway up. Trust me.  One of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Once you’re in the spot you’ll be for the remainder of the hunt, relax.  Look at the world around you.  Listen to what the woods turn into when the animals think there aren’t any people around.  This is where you’ll start to love hunting.  It isn’t just about shooting anything.  It’s about appreciating the natural world.  

3. Get Your Equipment
So the trips with your hunting pals turned out better than you ever dreamed and you’re anxious to get your firearm, bow and attire.  

If you decide you want to do archery season, you will need a separate license for that which you can find on the list above.  It’s still free and the course goes more in-depth on how hunting with a bow is a lot different than hunting with a firearm.

Now when you’re shopping for your equipment it would be a smart idea for you to bring a friend who’s very accustomed to knowing what works best in the woods under all conditions.  It also helps to know where to go.  For bow hunting in and near Chautauqua County, Ravlin Hill Archery would be the most ideal place to get properly fitted for a bow.  

As far as firearms go Tall Tales  or Bill’s Gun and Saddle Shop would be a good place to start. However,  you should consider doing your research on guns first before you spend a lot of money on buying one.  Even finding someone who owns a firearm you’re interested in an test-shooting it would be a big help to find out what caliber is most comfortable for you to shoot.

You have until the day before hunting season starts (October 1st) to get your tags which are basically large tickets with each having a different animal that you are allowed to harvest.  Each tag equals one animal and the tags are specific to certain areas.  There are different packages you can buy depending on what you intend to hunt/fish and what season you will be hunting in.

Tree Stands:
You’ll learn about tree stands in your hunting courses, but you can also buy them from the stores mentioned above. One of the most important things to remember however is to always look for the TMA sticker when you go to buy a stand.  This stands for “Treestand Manufacturers Association” which signifies that the stand was tested against high stress levels to guarantee how safe it is.

This is all about preference for the most part.  Any of the stores mentioned above will carry hunting clothes for men and women of all sorts of brands.  Walmart also carries a couple well known brands for really decent prices.  The places in this area generally will have the type of camouflage you will need for the surrounding area, but if you go to bigger stores like Dicks or Gander Mountain, you should know what type of area to suit up for.  These brands will definitely be more expensive though, although they’ll probably last longer and have better qualities like ScentLok.

4. Know the Area
Make sure you know the area you will be hunting in.  Posted areas are off limits unless you get the land owner’s permission.  Do this well before hunting season starts. The tags you’ll get to put on the animals you harvest are also specific to certain areas of the counties you hunt in. Be strategic about where you set up your tree stands or walk to.  When you see the animal you’re going to shoot, pause.  When you shoot it what way will it most likely run?  Are you super close to a posted area?  If the deer runs into that area and you don’t have permission to track it, guess what? That deer is going to die and you aren’t going to be able to get it for keeps.  

Also, if you set up a tree stand on posted area that you have permission to be on: make sure you also ask permission to use tree stands and/or keep them on the property.  If a land owner never granted you permission to set up a stand and you do damage to a tree, he can sue you for that damage.  If there was no agreement to leave the stand overnight, when you leave that stand you are technically abondoning it and it becomes the landowner’s.  He can take it down and keep it for himself legally.  

5. Practice Practice Practice
One of the most important aspects of hunting is practicing. Whether it’s using calls to draw in the animals you plan to shoot or taking the time to practice aiming and shooting a bow or a firearm it has to be done.  And consistently.  Don’t expect to pick up a bow or gun a week before season and think you’ll be ready to make a kill shot on an animal.  This is where a lot of patience comes in to play.  You’ll have to take the time to make sure you can make a confident shot on an animal so that the shot will kill them.  NOT long-termly wound them. This comes down to ethical hunting.

Ethical Hunting:
What every hunter lives by is having respect for the actual act of hunting.  This means being respectful of the land around us when we’re in the woods: no littering, no damaging trees if it can be helped, no stealing other’s equipment, etc.  It also means only taking shots you know you can make.  We need to have an open lane of fire to the spot on the animal we intend on shooting knowing it will be a kill shot.  Taking a shot that we aren’t confident in will more times than not result in a wounding of an animal.  This animal will suffer until it eventually heals or suffer until it dies a painful death.  

These types of unethical acts give hunters a bad name.  We aren’t trash, we aren’t rednecks. Roughtly  10% of the population are hunters and 10% are strongly against hunting.  The remaining 80% could care less either way, but these unethical acts will sway that 80% to be against us.  We care about the world we live in and it’s up to us prove that what we do out in the woods is to the benefit of the natural world and isn’t cold-blooded at all.

 It’s hard to stay fit, or even kind of healthy on campus, we’ve all been there. We want to socialize around food or lay on the couch all day…we love being lazy. I have been seeking the best help for a while now, and I have become someone who is obsessed with what is the healthiest for me while in college.

Here’s 13 tips for 2013 to help keep you on track:

ONE: Always have a reusable water bottle on-hand.
This is one of the easiest ways to beat dehydration (which is sometimes confused with hunger). Use the re-fill stations around campus to fill up whenever you’re low! I use a Brita bottle (about $11 at Walmart) which also has a filter in it to get all the chemicals  out of tap water, helping me feel at ease.  
TWO: Exercise.
Walk, run, jump, kick. Do something instead of laying on your couch, or dorm bed. There is an Aerobic Center on campus you can check out any week day! They offer classes ranging from body sculpting to intense kickboxing. I’ve attended the body-sculpting and the Zumba -- both fun ways to switch up your regular routine at the gym! There are also a few machines in the building if you don’t like people watching you at the gym (because there is hardly ever anyone using them).

THREE: Don’t “do lunch” every day.
Even meeting at Willy C or Crannies can expand your waistline when you do it with friends every day. Bring a lunch most of the week, or go with a friend that has the same goals as you. If you bring along friends that eat fried foods or ice cream, you can be in trouble.

FOUR: When you do do lunch, Cranston has a nice, convenient system to help you chose wisely.
It is called Eat Like A Scholar.  The dining hall uses traffic light images to show the best choices: green for the best, and red for the worst.

FIVE: Don’t fight your stress with junk food.
FIGHT THE VENDING MACHINES. Go to Cranston and take some fruit when you leave. You pay enough for that meal plan, right? I used to bring baggies and put apples and bananas in it and take it home for later. Why go to the store for fruit? Have an apple with peanut butter in your dorm for a snack instead of grabbing a bag of addictive Doritos.

SIX: Be the DD.
Volunteer to be the designated driver for your friends. Take them to Sunny’s or Old Main and have fun, without drinking. It’s not horrible to drink once in a while (I say choose friday or saturday, not thursday, friday, and saturday). There are so many calories in just one drink, without us even thinking twice.  

SEVEN: Always keep snacks with you. ALWAYS. Bring nuts, protein shakes, dry cereal, fruit, or granola bars in the small pockets of your bag while you’re not in your dorm room, in case you get hungry (or bored during a lecture).

EIGHT: Take a multivitamin. Multivitamins can be kind of expensive as a college kid, but they are worth it while going to school, and some days not getting all of the vitamins you need. I take a generic bottle from Walmart to keep my body running with all the vitamins it needs on a daily basis.
NINE: Sleep. Sleep for a good amount of time every single night. We need about 7 to 8 hours as college students. Make sleeping a priority. Don’t stay up every night until 3AM. Get your work done early and be in bed by midnight.. leaving 7-8 hours of sleep at least.

TEN: NAP. Yes, I said nap. Take a nap whenever you can. They do amazing things for us, especially as college students. Just make sure not to nap too close to bedtime or for too long, and a nap will do your body good. I take 20-35 minute naps when I come home from school before I eat and do homework, it’s the perfect energy boost I need to get through the rest of the day.

ELEVEN: Try to ween yourself off of coffee/caffeinated drinks. I used to love coffee. I thought it was the only reason I was awake during my day. Fact is, an apple does the same thing for us, and is healthier. I know that with coffee, I had more sugar and creamer than the black stuff...so try to grab apple and milk instead! It got rid of many calories for me. Skip the coffee mocha at Starbucks and get an unsweetened tea or other decaffeinated drinks. The employees atc our Starbucks are always willing to help, just ask!

TWELVE:  Wash your hands. I know this sounds silly and ridiculous to put on here, but I have realized as an adult that many people do not do this as a habit. Wash your hands as much as possible. According to a study, only 5% of people wash their hands correctly. Be that 5%. Sing your ABC’s twice, whatever you have to do, scrub those hands! Don’t catch that nasty flu everyone had. There are also many sanitizing stations around campus to keep your paws clean in between washes.

THIRTEEN: Join an intramural team. We have so many intramural teams on campus: from
soccer to quidditch. It’s a great way to relieve stress during the week, without the stress of being on a “real team”. You may also meet new people on campus that are like you!

Any questions, you can email me for any help :)
Shaf7921@fredonia.edu enjoy!